Exchange 2003 and DNS Failover
(too old to reply)
2008-11-12 16:59:18 UTC
We are running exchange 2003 sp2 on a windows 2000 native domain. Our
primary DNS server is a windows 2003 server called server 1.
The exchange server is running on windows 2003 and its primary DNS is set to
server1. It is also has a secondary dns server which is set another dns
server we have called server 2.

Recently server1 DNS crashed whereby the DNS stopped working even though the
server 1 is pingable. This made exchange 2003 to stop working as it could
not locate a DNS server. My issue is that shouldnt it have failed over to
the secondary DNS server. Isnt this how the secondary DNS works, or does
server1 need to be unpingable for the failover to work.
Mark Arnold [MVP]
2008-12-05 10:51:23 UTC
Post by unknown
We are running exchange 2003 sp2 on a windows 2000 native domain. Our
primary DNS server is a windows 2003 server called server 1.
The exchange server is running on windows 2003 and its primary DNS is set to
server1. It is also has a secondary dns server which is set another dns
server we have called server 2.
Recently server1 DNS crashed whereby the DNS stopped working even though the
server 1 is pingable. This made exchange 2003 to stop working as it could
not locate a DNS server. My issue is that shouldnt it have failed over to
the secondary DNS server. Isnt this how the secondary DNS works, or does
server1 need to be unpingable for the failover to work.
Are you sure it's a DNS problem and not a GC issue. Can you say if
'server2' is a GC or is there no relationship on your network between
DCs and DNS servers? (often in small shops the DCs and DNS are on the
same box which is why I ask).
